Roswell, NM
It was back in 2012 when these events took place. My wife, my two daughters, and myself were on a family road trip traveling through southern states of the USA. We enjoyed deserted but colorful landscapes of Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico.
It was only after we finished shopping in the huge Walmart supermarket in Roswell, NM when we kicked the road. We were on 10 miles outside the town, the sun was shining and heat was becoming unbearable. Suddenly the engine of our car coughed and after several short jerks our car stopped.
So there we were, in the desert, in scorching heat, and without any possibility to call for help. Fortunately, in the distance, we saw a big vehicle approaching. As the air was twitching, the vehicle appeared to be hovering overground. About 10 meters away it stopped and its door opened.
Inside it looked like a small hospital room. We were relieved, because we all started to feel unwell and dizzy. Three middle-height doctors stepped out to greet us. One thing that struck me though, was that medical studies were so hard that they changed students physically. They had big eyes, big heads and gray skin. Their arms and fingers were unnaturally long probably because of browsing medical textbooks.
After some examinations we left the mobile hospital, and it disappeared as if whisking through the air. A trip to hospital was hardly the way we’d pictured spending our holiday.